Cold Start. Porsche will open a safari park


In the same place where the Porsche Panamera and Macan are produced, we can now see Exmoor ponies, cattle, various types of birds, amphibians, bats and bees. Not exactly inside the factory — of course — but around it, on the 132 hectares of land where the brand's all-terrain test track is located.

It is aimed at children between the ages of eight and 11, and two school curricula are available: one focused on birds and the other on ponies and cattle — the latter involves following a 4 km trail. Porsche will have support from the Leipzig Alluvial Forest Station for the educational aspects of the park, such as leading groups visiting the site.

Porsche has already committed to building experiment stations and an observation platform in the coming weeks, in time for the park to open — it opens on July 9th and will remain open until August 3rd. Reservations can now be made by contacting us by email or by calling +49 [0]341 4621895. Porsche also states that this action is yet another step in meeting its commitment to education and environmental protection.

Porsche Safari

Children stand to gain, no doubt.

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