Justin Bieber decides to block traffic with his Ferrari 458 Italia


If I had been told in the past that I would write an article, here at Ledger Automobile, about Justin Bieber, I am sure that that very day I would have committed suicide.

But what is certain is that that day has arrived, and here I am writing about Justin Bieber and his Ferrari 458 Italia. Luckily, there is a Ferrari in the middle of all this, otherwise I would run the risk of being murdered by some fan of the singer even before committing my own suicide. (Something contradictory phrase, as I always end up in bad shape…)

But enough nonsense and let's get down to business. Some of you may recall an image we posted this week on our Facebook page, where the Canadian singer appeared next to his Ferrari 458 Italia. The comments were more than many, and the praise was counted on the fingers of my hands.

Justin Bieber decides to block traffic with his Ferrari 458 Italia 23727_1

Interestingly, the day before, a video of the teenager walking the streets of Los Angeles in his white Ferrari was posted on Youtube. So far nothing unusual… The funny thing came later, when Justin decides to stop the car in the middle of the road and face the paparazzi. The three cars (the Ferrari and the two paparazzi cars) were blocking traffic for a few seconds, leaving the other drivers on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Now comes the most unusual part: I'm incredibly sympathetic to the pop singer. Not that I thought his attitude to stop the car in the middle of the road was correct, but that I found the comment of the paparazzo who filmed the video below to be ridiculous. According to him, Justin drives like crazy and should be more careful. But where? Where did he drive like crazy? Crazy is he who goes to film while driving…

But the best thing is to watch the video and draw your conclusions, in the meantime, I'll just kill myself there and I'll be right back.

Text: Tiago Luís

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