Portuguese are one of the least interested in autonomous cars


The year 2020 was the year named by Elon Musk as the “year of autonomous cars”. The Portuguese do not agree, only in 2023 will they be willing to drive this type of vehicle.

This is one of the main conclusions of the Cetelem Automobile Observer study, which counts on the contributions of more than 8,500 car owners in 15 countries. Less than half of the Portuguese respondents, 44%, are very or somewhat interested in using an autonomous car, which is below the average of 55% of the 15 countries consulted for this survey. The autonomous car, however, is widely believed by the Portuguese: 84% believe it will be a reality, being one of the highest percentages among the countries surveyed.

Another of the conclusions lies in the fact that the Portuguese believe that it will only be in 2023, seven years from now, that they think they can be regular users of autonomous cars. Later only the Germans, in 2024. Despite everything, the Portuguese also want to take advantage of driverless cars to have fun or convert the car into a mobile office along the way - only 28% guarantee that they will pay attention to the road, in this case of there being a problem.

Currently, there are already several car manufacturers looking to develop 100% autonomous prototypes – starting with Tesla and ending up with Bosch, Google and even Apple. All study graphics are available here.

Source: Live money / Cover: Google Car

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