Adamastor. The new sports car "made in Portugal"


Circleroad is a Portuguese company that operates in the field of automobile manufacturing. And now, thanks to new partnerships between entrepreneurs and national researchers, it is developing a new sports car that will be called Adamastor. The project started in 2012 and is already in a very advanced stage of development, with the production of a small series of the model starting later this year.

According to Circleroad, the Adamastor promises to reconcile the demands of a competition car with the day-to-day needs. A duality expressed in the internal designation of the project: P003 RL, translating into a third generation prototype and Road Legal (approved for road).

The Adamastor was built from the ground up to awaken the driver in us, resulting in a pure car that provides a unique driving experience.

Ricardo Quintas and Nuno Faria, founding partners

It also promises to be a customizable template, created, in essence, between the brand and the customer, so each template should be unique. If desired, the customer can follow the entire production process of their Northwind.

According to its creators, it will present “harmonious, balanced lines and a simplicity that reinforces the aerodynamics on the track”. At the moment, from the presented teasers, little can be discerned, only that it seems to be a two-seater roadster.


The origin of the name Adamastor

Let us remember the Lusíadas, the greatest work of Luís de Camões. Adamastor is a mythological figure, based on Greco-Roman mythology, who symbolizes the confrontation of Vasco da Gama against the forces of nature when he tried to round Cabo das Tormentas – today called Cape of Good Hope – to reach India by sea.

What about. Do you like the name?

Yes, yes… so what about engines?

In response to Reason Automobile, Circleroad lifted the "veil" over the engine that will equip the Adamastor. Alias, engines! This model will not have a base engine, the engine that will equip the Adamastor will depend on the customer's choice, so it is not possible to point out performances or technical specifications for the model.

As we mentioned before, personalization will be one of the pillars of this new “made in Portugal” project. As soon as there is news we will return to this subject. After all, it's not every day that a sports car is born in Portugal.

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