New Opel Insignia 2017: total revolution in the name of efficiency


Lighter, more driver-oriented and more “smart”. These are just some of the new features of the new Opel Insignia Grand Sport.

The German brand is designing the new generation of the Opel Insignia without regard to means. The mission is clear and the objective ambitious: to assault the leadership of segment D.

In the specifications for the new Insignia, one of Opel's main concerns was dynamics. By comparison with the current model, the new Insignia will slim down 175 kilograms (depending on the versions) which should produce clear effects on road behavior, performance and consumption.

But concerns about the chassis setting did not stop with the weight. The Insignia Grand Sport is 29mm shorter than the current one. The wheelbase is increased by 92 mm, the tracks widen by 11 mm and the projections are considerably shorter. All these quotas, according to Opel, will allow the new Insignia to have excellent directional stability, even at high speed.

According to the brand, the FlexRide chassis, with electronically controlled suspension, will also benefit from important evolutions. This system will adjust in real time the degree of damping, steering assistance and engine performance, automatically or through pre-programmed modes: 'Standard', 'Sport' and 'Tour'.

The commitment in this field was so serious that tests on the dynamics of the new Opel Insignia took place at the demanding Nürburgring Nordscheleife – where Opel currently tests all its models. Naturally, none of these new features would make sense if the driving position were not ideal, and in this field, according to Opel, there was a lot of work:

“As soon as you get into the car, you can see that the new Insignia was developed from a blank sheet. The driver's position in the cabin is ideal, which allows you to 'feel' the car better. Insignia is much more agile»

Andreas Zipser, Responsible for Opel

In 'Sport' mode of the FlexRide chassis, the shock absorbers adopt a 'harder' operation, while steering assistance and throttle travel are reduced.


The management of the Electronic Stability Program (ESP) sets the intervention of this system at a higher level, which means that it makes corrections later, giving the driver more freedom to explore the limits of the car. With automatic transmission, the ‘Sport’ mode programs gear changes to higher revs.

In summary, these are the three operating modes of the FlexRide chassis of the new Insignia Grand Sport, which can be activated at any time:

  • Standard: the electronic control automatically selects the best setting, based on information it receives from various sensors in the car;
  • Tour: is the most comfortable configuration of the chassis systems, as well as the ideal transmission programming to favor consumption. This is the ideal way to take relaxed trips;
  • Sport: shock absorbers gain more pressure. Body sway, under braking and cornering, is considerably reduced. Steering gives better tactile return from the road.

The FlexRide chassis acts electro-hydraulically, adapting the dampers 500 times a second, or 30,000 times a minute, to road conditions. The driver can customize the 'Sport' mode in terms of steering characteristics, throttle response and damper behavior.

“The new 'software' that manages the Central Driving Module is the 'heart' of the adaptive chassis of the new Insignia. It is this module that analyzes the information sent by the sensors, being able to recognize the driver's commands and reactions. The different systems are then tuned to optimize dynamic behavior"

Andreas Zipser, Responsible for Opel

For example, if the Opel Insignia Grand Sport rides in 'Standard' mode and the driver decides to approach corners with greater sharpness, the 'software' recognizes the most dynamic attitude based on the acceleration and braking data, and automatically switches to 'mode' Sport'.

The new Opel Insignia Grand Sport arrives in Portugal next year.

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