DeLorean DMC-12 is back


Here's the news DeLorean DMC-12 fans wanted to hear: The car that marked a generation is back!

35 years ago, a small sports car with gull wings and a futuristic appearance appeared in the car industry. Expectations were high, but the DeLorean Motor Company's financial difficulties and subpar sales ended up ending production of the DeLorean DMC-12 two years after its official launch – not to mention the lack of momentum from the engine that equipped the DeLorean…

Despite all the problems, the sport was not forgotten, mainly due to its participation in the film Back to the Future in 1985, which made DeLorean an icon of pop culture. The success was such that a number of enthusiasts around the world did not let the American sports car “die”.

One such enthusiast is British businessman Stephen Wynne, who in 1995 founded a company dedicated to assembling and restoring the DeLorean DMC-12. Thanks to a bill passed in December, the company will now be able to produce and sell up to 325 replicas of the sports car per year in the US. Each replica will cost around 92,000 euros.

Apparently, the company has enough resources to manufacture at least 300 units, which may (or may not) contain some modifications. ” There is no reason to change the appearance of the car. As we move forward with the project, we'll decide which areas need some retouching,” revealed Stephen Wynne.

One of those touches will be the adoption of a more modern and powerful engine. The power of the 21st century DeLorean DMC-12 could rise beyond 400hp. Naturally, suspensions, brakes and other components will be resized to meet the thrust of the engines.

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