Another Lamborghini Gallardo in car paradise


Driving a Lamborghini Gallardo at 150km/h on a secondary road while it's raining was perhaps not a good idea. The result speaks for itself. Unlike the Italian sports car, the owner survived to tell the story.

If there are images that cause us trouble, it's those of destroyed dream cars. That's what happened to this poor Lamborghini Gallardo in Thailand.

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Its owner – a wealthy businessman in his 40s – lost his way while driving at around 150km/h in adverse weather conditions and on an inappropriate road. The result is what you can see in the images. Fortunately, the only victim to complain was the Lamborghini Gallardo. We are left with the hope that there is a paradise in heaven dedicated to the four wheels.

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Images: NAKON45 อัญวุฒิ โพธิ์อำไพ

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