FleetBoard Drivers’ League: the "Olympic Games" for truck drivers


The 12th edition of the FleetBoard Drivers’ League debuts in Portugal and awards the 3 best drivers in the world. It is a kind of «Olympic Games» for trucks.

Between June 1st and August 31st, drivers from 18 countries will compete against each other, nationally and internationally, in the “Best Driver” and “Best Team” categories while driving their trucks on a daily basis. For the first time, Portuguese participants will have the opportunity to guarantee monthly victories in both categories.

Winners are determined using the FleetBoard Performance Analysis, which is based on a combination of factors relating to wear, fuel consumption, anticipatory driving style, gear changes and braking behavior. To compete for the Drivers’ League, each driver must cover a distance of at least 4,000 km each month. For the “Best Team” category, at least three drivers must participate, covering between them a minimum of 12,000 km per month.

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The world's top three drivers will enjoy a weekend in Hanover, Germany, which includes a visit to the International Motor Show for Commercial Vehicles in September. Those interested in participating in the FleetBoard Drivers’ League can register between May 1st and July 31st, 2016 on the competition's website.

FleetBoard Drivers' League
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