Chinese police tow Lamborghini Aventador replica


It is from countries like China that imitations of everything and anything else have come to us. “Replicas” they say. Well, this is another freak that has been captured by Man.

“…and with burning torches and forks in hand they approached the beast and killed it…” wait, that's a different story! Okay, in the end it's all the same. This ill-kept replica of a Lamborghini Aventador, which in another incarnation had been a Hyundai Coupé, was on the street, somewhere across the continent where counterfeiting is king, when it was apprehended by the police. It had signs saying “for sale”, but what motivated the police intervention was the lack of registrations. The owner had to pay a fine and only later was able to retrieve his replica.

Do you think it's a good buy? Did they pay or did they have to pay you to take this Lamborghini Aventador replica home? On the other hand, if you paid to throw her off a cliff, it would be like giving your money to a good cause. Think about it:

Text: Diogo Teixeira

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