RACC 2012 - Paulo Freire and Joaquim Capelo deep in the flood of Catalonia!


Private, amateurs (but experienced) and without support, they launched themselves through the sinuous curves of a rally that has been pushing away the best and where the stars of a Worlds marked by the difficulties of a declining market participate.

The rallies always start in a humble way for this duo, who without vanity say: “The most important thing is to finish the rally”. Anyone who knows what an incursion on the roads of a rally is, knows that, above all, responsibility is needed – for a private person, who is not professional and does not have the logistical support of the official WRC teams, the consequences of riding in the limit can be devastating.

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the courage to move forward

A look at the table for this World Cup Rally and we can see that there are only three Portuguese teams. This double fight until the end, without support or favorable winds from the media pressure, so that it is possible to sustain what for many is difficult to achieve – entry into a World Cup event.

It is not the first time that Paulo Freire has stepped down on the accelerator of a rally car, his experience behind the wheel began many years ago and in addition to dirt and roads that go into villages, he also raced in radicals, trophies , among many others and flanked by circuit benches.

Joaquim Capelo is the navigator. Many days were spent in front of the television in the co-pilot's house, watching and reviewing the videos of the sections sent by the organization. Sitting on the couch, they analyzed many hours of video – well-prepared notes are essential, a small mistake could throw the EVO X off the road. Despite being a small team, they left with their homework very well done for Catalonia.

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A rally that didn't want to let go

“The first day was very hard, keeping the car on the road was a constant challenge” – Paulo Freire, who already has seven years of Rally de Catalunya, reveals how difficult it was to reach the end of the first day. There were several drivers away at the start of this rally, the intense mud was the dish – poisoned – of the day.

On Friday they arrived at the last SS, on the Salou marginal, and made the 33rd time. This qualifier had 2,000 m and was intended for the show in the gardens of the Salou waterfront.

A second slower day. Damn escape!

The asphalt sections are fast and the grip is superior, but exiting corners can be tricky – a ride with the rear wheel to the side of a corner cut on the SS3 led to a crash that choked the exhaust, a victim of the difference in tread height . Tomorrow, and with the problem solved, they promise to go deep!

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The best Portuguese in the competition

Entering a rally is nothing new for these two adventurers. This entry is done discreetly and despite the experience that already weighs in, they do not take anything for granted, not even reaching the end of the rally. They are by far the best Portuguese in the competition, but in Portugal nothing is heard.

Paulo demonstrates his sadness – he sees Portuguese flags waving throughout the competitions, but the media prefers to publicize the misfortune, than the example of Portuguese who invest and take the name of Portugal beyond its borders. This world is not a futility – 720 million fans religiously follow it around the world.

A team that is here to stay

After the experience of an experience abroad, the promise remains – news for 2013 are yet to come, but one thing is certain, these gentlemen will be burning gasoline and melting tires in the next edition of Rally de Portugal. You can count on the RazãoAutomobile team in the front row to support this pair!

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RACC 2012 - Paulo Freire and Joaquim Capelo deep in the flood of Catalonia! 25484_5

Text: Diogo Teixeira

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