BMW 2002: there are cars that are priceless


"Many people can buy their dream car, but few can say they built it." Know the story of Cartey Kramer and his 2002 BMW.

Cartey Kelly Kramer was 16 years old when she bought her first car. On a tight budget, she looked for a cheap car on Ebay, and found a 2002 BMW from 1976. With this purchase, she learned an important lesson: never buy used items without first seeing its (true) condition.

The 2002 BMW was worse than he could have imagined. Worse to the point where I have no brakes, I'm working on 3 cylinders, and rust has eaten up a substantial part of the bodywork. His repair took some time, and Kramer knew next to nothing about mechanics. He was learning everything as he was disassembling some parts of the car – however he began to attend a workshop where he learned a few more tricks of this noble profession.

Being an old car, without airbags and unsafe, Kremer decided to sell it and buy a safer one to take to university. He quickly felt remorse, saved money and bought it again. “I realized that I had turned a car that was a nightmare into a dream car. BMW 2002 taught me everything I know about cars, driving and fixing things. You can't put a price on that…”

First love never forgets, isn't it? Watch the full story here:

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