What will our life be like in 2050? Is the car world the same as it is today?


We all wonder about the future. For car lovers, tomorrow becomes more and more uncertain and with each passing day we get closer to the breaking point.

Inevitably oil will run out, but long before that, massive catastrophes will slowly annihilate the world as we know it. And all due to the lethal gases that transport and industry send into our so precious atmosphere.

But the world tends to evolve and thus create conditions to which we can environment without endangering planet Earth – viable and above all sustainable alternatives. In this documentary we also find the key to innovation, we find new mechanisms that have completely changed the world, and more particularly, driving as we know it today.

A magnificent documentary about innovation and above all, a window to the future. So it pays to be optimistic and have faith in the future, and above all, this video is really worth it.

We wish all our readers Good Starters and a great 2013.

Text: Marco Nunes

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