Mike Newman Sets Speed ​​Record for Blind | Car Ledger


This is happy news and anyone who likes cars and the inexplicable sense of speed knows what I'm talking about, and so does Mike Newman.

Mike Newman is a normal man. All his life he worked in a bank, performed functions like everyone else. However, Mike Newman was born blind. Blindness followed him throughout his life, but his willpower and persistence always lifted him up, preparing him to face all the conditions that life imposed on him. Mike Newman decided to leave the bank where he worked, to found “Speed ​​of Sight”.

Speed ​​of Sight is an organization that promotes the participation of blind people in motor sports. It is clear that this possibility of participation is due to the development of cars prepared for this purpose, with two steering wheels and various access facilities, developed by Mike Newman. There are many cases of car lovers, who, like us, vibrate with the smell of gasoline, the noise of tires when starting, the sensation of turning deeply and feeling the whole car need to be dominated, be the fastest, etc... but who for physical reasons cannot fulfill these passions. This is a solution for the blind and how fantastic it is.

Mike Newman had already set the speed record for a blind man, but three years ago he had been beaten by Metin Şentürk, who, driving a Ferrari F430, reached 293 km/h. Mike Newman is now breaking that record, driving a Porsche 911 and setting it at 300 km/h. After setting the record, Mike said in an interview: “when I saw that I was accelerating in 6th gear, I realized I was going fast enough”.

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