The 4 Steps to Follow Reason Automobile on Facebook


Here's how to continue to see our posts on Facebook, even after changing the algorithm of this social network that changed your news feed.

Mark Zuckerberg announced last Wednesday the change in the algorithm that controls the news feed of Facebook, which now privileges posts from friends and family, to the detriment of posts by companies and social media.

But if you follow us through our Facebook page, there's no reason to despair. Through four very simple steps you can continue to follow all the news and the most incredible stories from the world of four wheels, in the most petrolhead online publication in Portugal.


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Go to Razão Automóvel's Facebook page – here – and click on “Like”, if you haven't done so already.


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You are on your computer: hover over the "I like it" button and click on "See First" (example above)

If you are using a tablet or smartphone , click on the “Next” icon and then select “See First” (example below)



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If you are on your computer: select the “pencil” icon on the right side to open the next panel.


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Here you can select the content you want, in case you want to be notified for each publication (a real petrolhead selects everything!)

Share this post and follow the 4 steps above, it is the fastest way to continue receiving our content and at the same time you are promoting the continuity of our publication.

Featured Image: Photocutout / Car Ledger

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