Ferrari 512 BBi: more than a car, a piece of art!


Today RazãoAutomóvel invites you to discover a house designed around a beautiful and timeless Italian “pure-bred”, the Ferrari 512 BBi.

This month Petrolicius went to knock on the door of Holger Schubert, owner of the famous “studio-garage” that houses a beautiful Ferrari 512 BBi inside.

An apartment (or should I say a garage?) that, apart from a sofa, a television, a bookcase and, of course, a Ferrari 512 BBi, has nothing else. Function was subjugated to form to better accommodate the main actor of this apartment: a Ferrari 512 BBi.

A sensory and emotional experience that cost Holger Schubert something like 1.5 million dollars. And this value only quantifies the money spent on remodeling works, to which we should eventually add another 1.5 million for this property in the US state of California.

Part of this budget was spent on building the retractable bridge that allows 512 BBi to enter the property. A bridge that for years was the subject of dispute between Schubert, neighbors and municipal authorities, who claimed that the structure could set a serious urban precedent and doubted its safety.

Fortunately Holger Schubert won. Was it worth it, given the hassles and the money spent? If we look into Holger Schubert's eyes we have the answer. Of course yes.

Liking cars is just that. More than performance, power and speed, liking cars has everything to do with the feelings they arouse in us. That's why they're worth every penny we irrationally spend on them. Whether to guide them or simply to admire them. Be it a Ferrari or a modest SUV. It is undeniable that there is a certain romanticism in the way Schubert manages to feel and experience the 512 BBi.

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