Prime Minister renews support for the partnership between Bosch and the University of Minho


The hiring of approximately 90 engineers in the Research and Development area for Bosch and 165 scholarship holders for UMinho are expected.

The prime minister, Pedro Passos Coelho, was at Bosch in Braga this Monday, 29, and attended the closing ceremony of the first phase of the Human Machine Interface Excellence project, which reinforced Bosch's investment in Research and Development (R&D) , aimed at producing the future concept of mobility in the automotive sector with the made in Portugal signature. The Rector of the University of Minho (UMinho) and the Mayor of Braga were also present at the ceremony.

For two years, Bosch and UMinho were united in a partnership that involved around 300 people and an investment of 19 million euros, bringing the business reality closer to the university and academic world. “Bosch in Braga has invested heavily in R&D because it believes that this is the best way to assert its competences within the Group and adapt its product portfolio to the future needs of the world car multimedia market. Today, we are recognized for our quality and competitiveness, and we anticipate strong growth in the coming years.”, said Sven Ost, administrator at Bosch in Braga.

Innovation made in Portugal

Human Machine Interface Excellence featured 14 research and development projects focused on different areas of activity. During this period, 10 patents were registered as a result of the work carried out, thus enhancing the culture of innovation exported by the Bosch Group from Portugal to the whole world.

About 35 new engineers were hired by Bosch and 90 researchers by UMinho, boosting opportunities for highly qualified professionals in Portugal.

“Being connected to Bosch in this project was a challenge. On the one hand, for our researchers, who have developed complex solutions to the problems presented. On the other hand, for the institution itself, which had to demonstrate a great capacity to go beyond the limits of academia and respond to the challenges of the business world.”, said the dean of UMinho, António M. Cunha.

The solutions developed will respond to the challenges related to the use of new materials for the construction of equipment, and the definition of innovative tools with regard to processes and procedures related to production. The results achieved are being implemented by researchers in the process of industrialization of the next generation of products.

Bosch in Braga has already submitted a new application for funds from Compete that will allow the second phase of the project to begin at the end of 2015. The application foresees an investment of 50 million euros, and the hiring by Bosch of around 90 engineers from area of ​​R&D and 165 scholarship holders by UMinho.

The prime minister stated that "projects like this, of evident national strategic interest, reinforce Bosch's commitment to Portugal." He also left a positive message for both entities: “The Government is committed to supporting projects that, like this one, are a clear asset for the development of our country. We believe that solid and innovative companies like Bosch and dynamic institutions like UMinho are what we need to fulfill the development goals we set ourselves.”

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