This simulator is Portuguese and wants to conquer the world


The most evolved car simulator is called Quantic by Simology, it has Portuguese “blood” and unique technological features worldwide.

Quantic by Simology is equipped with three-dimensional glasses, a triple screen, rear-projection equipment, a wide range of tunings and a unique adjustable damping system. The top-of-the-range Portuguese «toy» is also compatible with all the main brands of peripherals on the market, as well as with the most successful international videogames. Players can choose between three modes of viewing games: screen projection, through three synchronized screens or virtual reality glasses.

The pioneering project in Portugal will be on display and experimentation during the event ExpoMecânica 2016 – 3rd Exhibition of Auto Equipment, Services and Parts, organized by KiKai Eventos at Exponor – Porto International Fair, from 15 to 17 April. This year, the Portuguese simulator will head to the Nürburgring, on the occasion of the SimRacing Expo.

Still in the process of patenting, Quantic by Simology aims to be the culmination of 10 years of dedication and research. According to Nuno Ferreira, the Portuguese entrepreneur behind Quantic by Simology, the internationalization of the project is “obviously the goal that is on the horizon of the Simology team”, right after its viability and consolidation in Portugal, even if the purely commercial domain passes. more from the outside.


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