Everything they lost by not going to Estoril...


… and it's very well done! No excuses, they should have gone. Reasons were not lacking. So that you don't repeat the mistake, I'll tell you what happened in Estoril this weekend. But just this once…

As you know, our beloved Estoril Circuit hosted last weekend the first international race of the year, with GT Sport bringing to Portugal a very complete program, which included the GT Open, the Eurofórmula Open and the SEAT Leon Eurocup . To fill even more the belly of cars, whoever it was, even watched the races of the National Classics and Legends Classic Cup.

Was the ticket expensive? No, it was free. Was the weather bad? No, it was excellent. So the benches were full, right? Wrong. But there's more: access to the paddock was damn free! It is of little use to rant against the primacy of football in the media when later, we motorsport lovers, vote such shows into abandonment. And tiredness is no excuse for not having gone either. The day before, I did more than 700km at the wheel of a Mazda MX-5 on national roads, including this one(!). I've been there all day.


If I had a kid, believe me, I would have stuck a cap on his head and taken him to Estoril. There are days when buckets and beach towels can wait. If they didn't, they were terrible parents. Your kid would be amazed by the noise of cars on the track and by being able to see and touch the "pops". Meanwhile, the father could talk to the drivers and take some funny pictures of cars and more...

Better. They could even drive on a slalom track with timed times, all set up by SEAT. Meanwhile, the kid could try out a racing simulator, also from SEAT. In fact, the spectacle put on by the Spanish brand at this event was impressive: more than 20 cars on the starting grid; a motorhome full of famous people (soap opera actors, singers and socialites in general); and various activities open to the public.


Leaving behind the glamor of the GT Open championship paddock and the SEAT Leon Eurocup, I arrived at the National Classics Championship park. The environment was different. The elaborate dishes I found in the hospitality of the GT Open and SEAT teams gave way to steaks and beers. Nothing against, everything in favor.

My keen Alentejo ear, I could distinguish the northern accents for leagues, a little everywhere. Nice Malta. The drivers – many of them are also mechanics, bodybuilders, cooks, parents and public relations, all at the same time – always took the time to have a photo with me or to talk about the car they were driving.


I, who have not yet turned 30, enjoyed seeing live the cars that filled my imagination when I was a kid. Cars that for more than 20 years filled the starting grids of Estoril. Those who are old enough remember that single-brand trophies were more than many in Portugal. Good times… they say.

Well, they missed this and more. It's a good thing they were left feeling bad. The good news is that this was only the first international race of the season, many more are to come. Next time we're agreed. We'll meet in Estoril, ok?

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Everything they lost by not going to Estoril... 27612_4

Images: Gonçalo Maccario/Car Ledger

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