"I feel it in my toe": Bosch invents vibrator accelerator


The Bosch active accelerator pedal helps drivers save fuel while alerting them to potentially dangerous situations.

The German company based in Stuttgart has developed a system that alerts drivers of possible dangers through the accelerator pedal. According to Bosch, the system dubbed “I feel it in my toe” in addition to the safety features helps drivers to save up to 7% on fuel and significantly reduce CO2 emissions, alerting the driver to an excessive load on the accelerator through of a vibration.

Until now, automobiles only alerted us to gear changes and throttle load through visual signals. When an active accelerator pedal is introduced, it will have a sensory indication option that warns the driver of the ideal time to change gear without having to take his eyes off the road. When used in hybrid vehicles, the accelerator pedal can be programmed to tell the driver when to turn off the engine in order to save fuel.

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The pedal can also be associated with a video camera that identifies the traffic signs, and if it is verified that the car is moving at a speed higher than the stipulated, it exerts back pressure or vibration on the accelerator. Through this system, the car will also have the possibility to warn of possible dangerous situations such as: cars going against the grain, unexpected traffic jams, crossed traffic and other dangers along the way.


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