Malfunction could be the cause of the accident that killed Paul Walker


A mechanical anomaly could be at the origin of the accident that killed Paul Walker and Roger Rodas according to the TMZ publication.

The Porsche Carrera GT that killed Paul Walker, actor in the film Furious Speed, and Roger Rodas, co-owner of Always Evolving – a workshop they both owned – may have suffered a mechanical problem. We remember that the accident in question occurred this weekend, when both were returning from a party promoted for social purposes.

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According to sources cited by the TMZ website, the accident may have occurred as a result of the loss of fluids in the hydraulic circuit of the Porsche's steering. Sources allegedly close to the workshop, owned by Paul Walker and Roger Rodas, claim to have seen evidence of fluid loss on the road, a few dozen meters before the marks left by the tires at the time of impact. For them, this absence of marks on the asphalt until just before the impact site is revealing, since if Roger Rodas – who was a professional driver, had lost control of the car, the skid marks would show that he had tried to avoid the impact. . However, the marks left at the accident site are in a straight line, which could indicate that the driver would have no control over the steering of the Porsche Carrera GT.

Another equally suspicious indication that also points in this direction is the fact that there was a fire in the front of the car, in a model that has a mid-engine. Thus, the fire would be expected at the rear of the vehicle and not at the front, where the hydraulic steering circuit is even installed. All indications that point towards this thesis now advanced.

Sheriff deputies work near the wreckage of a Porsche sports car that crashed into a light pole on Hercules Street near Kelly Johnson Parkway in Valencia on Saturday, Nov. 30, 2013. A publicist for actor Paul Walker says the star of the

Source: TMZ

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