+18: Two Ferrari F50 rally and...measure forces with one cable


Ladies and gentlemen, hide the computer screen from innocent eyes and get ready, as this is another video of TAXTHRICH and this time, without limits of modesty with two Ferrari F50s.

After taking a Bugatti EB110 SS burnout through farm implements, putting a Ferrari Enzo into rally mode and turning a Rolls Royce Phantom into a drunken aristocrat it's time to try to blow up two Ferrari F50s. I know it's not the most beloved Ferrari ever…but why so much hate?

What would you do if your garage had some of the most iconic and valuable automobiles in recent history? Those who make any kid or grown up point their finger with their mouths open when they pass on the road, those who have been bought by all of us in conversations of “if I hit the lottery…”, those whose engine noise is perfect, precious and without equal, those that shine in the richest streets in the world and in small quantities, because not everyone can buy them, no matter how much money they have. What would you do with these cars?

Ferrari F50_rally_02

The most courageous will say – “I used to ride with him every day, for me a car is to go on the road and not stay in the garage”, the more conservative will say – “I only walked once in a while… maybe on the weekend… maybe only at events… maybe only on Sundays… maybe only at weddings… at my daughter's wedding go”. Then there are people like “TAXTHRICH”. This gentleman or lady uses the cars completely outside their “natural habitat”, to shock their already considerable audience. Remember seeing a Touareg measuring forces with a Chevrolet Silverado? Well, this video is more or less the same thing, but with two Ferrari F50s. Stay with the video and may innocence be lost here:

Text: Diogo Teixeira

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