This is how you buy cars in North Korea (supposedly...)


In an industry where very little is known, we now have the opportunity to glimpse one of North Korea's few dealerships.

If you have already read our article on the North Korean car industry (if not, we highly recommend it), you will know that although the market in North Korea is still quite limited, there is currently a manufacturer that produces around 1500 cars a year. It's called Pyeonghwa Motors and it produces exclusively for the domestic market (no one else would buy them, that's the truth…).

Eric Tseng, an American tourist in Kim Jong-un's land, visited one of the brand's dealers, where North Korean and Chinese models are displayed. Everyone who appears in the video is believed to be actors and that the concessionaire does not actually work, it is just a sham to deceive tourists on the merits of the government led by Kim Jong-un. Like? Acting out the habits of North Koreans in the likeness and image of the standards of the rest of the world.

SEE ALSO: Kim Jong-un, the driving prodigy

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