David Brown Automotive Speedback GT: The DB5 of the new millennium


The company specializing in bodywork, David Brown Automotive presented its new model at Top Marques: the Speedback GT. A modern reinterpretation of the Aston Martin DB5.

Not many cars can captivate us for years to come with the elegance of their lines and presence. The Aston Martin DB5 is one of those cases, thanks to its charm and refinement that seem timeless.


It was with this DB5 retro inspiration that David Brown Automotive decided to take what is considered one of the most elegant designs of the 60s, recreating the model in the light of modern times.

In this reinterpretation of the DB5 in the form of a Speedback GT, the base is not an Aston Martin, but rather a Jaguar XKR. Although it doesn't seem to make sense to use the platform of a rival brand, we recall that in the recent past the two brands even shared a large part of their components.

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As mentioned, the Speedback GT is based on the Jaguar XKR. Which ends up sending us to the power unit in charge of moving the Speedback GT. The mobility services of this modern classic were in charge of the 3rd generation Jaguar AJ V8 block with 5L of displacement and 550 horsepower. An engine that promises to recover all the adrenaline sensations that the DB5 gave its drivers in 1963.

Prices are not known and there is a reason. The level of customization of the Speedback GT is so high that prices can vary widely from customer to customer. Since each model is unique and special.


In terms of present technology, the Speedback GT transports its occupants to the perks of the century. XXI with elements such as: the headlights in Xenon; electric mirrors; LEDs on the rear; electronic aids; air conditioning and all the comfort and safety elements we know from modern cars.

The interior has little to do with the DB5, there isn't any classic reminiscence. David Brown Automotive has just lined the interior of the XKR with new materials and skins, with its own details.

We leave you with the video, where the entire story of the birth of the Speedback GT is portrayed.

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