Do you know how to change your Via Verde registration? In this article we explain to you


After we've already explained what to do if you accidentally pass Via Verde, today we're back to talking about this system, introduced in 1991. This time, the objective is to explain to you how you can change the registration number associated with your account.

Well, contrary to what you might think, to use the Via Verde in more than one vehicle you don't need multiple identifiers. The same happens if you sell the car to which you had the Via Verde identifier associated, it is not necessary to buy or rent another identifier.

Obviously, this is only possible because Via Verde allows you to change the registration number associated with the account. In this article we introduce you to the three ways you can make that change and how the whole process unfolds.

Via Verde img

From a distance...

As you would expect in the 21st century, you can change your Via Verde registration via a website or an application. Perhaps the quickest and easiest way to do this, this allows you, through your reserved area (after registration) on the Via Verde website or application, to change the registration number associated with a certain identifier.

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To do this you have to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Via Verde's website or application;
  2. Access the “Account Details” section;
  3. Select the option “Vehicles and Identifiers”;
  4. Choose the option “Update data” of the identifier of which you want to change the registration;
  5. Change the data of the car associated with the identifier. Here you have to change: the name of the vehicle (a name defined by you just to make it easier to identify it in your Via Verde account), the license plate, the last five digits of the chassis number, the make and model and also the type of insurance for the vehicle in question.

Totally free, this process can be done at any time, with no limit to the number of registration changes you can make. Normally, the change takes about an hour to be confirmed, but it can take up to 24 hours, and until it is confirmed, you cannot use the Via Verde system.

When you proceed with the alteration by this means, you can also request that proof of the alterations carried out and a self-adhesive tape be sent to you by post to place the identifier on the new registered vehicle.

Finally, there is still another way to change your Via Verde registration number without having to leave your home: the telephone . To do this, you should contact the numbers 210 730 300 or 707 500 900.

… or in person

The third way you have to change your registration is also the most “classic” and it forces you to leave the house. We are, of course, talking about the change made to the Via Verde stores.

In this case, instead of handling the entire process through your computer or smartphone, the assistant will change the registration number associated with the identifier, simply by providing your personal data and those of the contract.

Sources: e-Konomista,

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