Volvo is the official brand of the Young Capital of Road Safety


The 5th edition of the Young Capital of Road Safety will have Volvo as one of its official brands.

The 2017 Road Safety Capital Youth initiative will take place in Porto. This is a national initiative, aimed mainly at children and youth and aims to develop a program of activities on road safety.

2017 Porto Capital Jovem da Road Safety

The objective is to mobilize public opinion for Road Safety, especially young people. And with good reason. Road accidents are the leading cause of death among young people aged 18-24. The risk of death in road accidents is about 30% higher than in the rest of the population.

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Co-organized by Forum Student, Automóvel Club de Portugal, BP Portugal and Brisa, Porto – Young Capital of Road Safety 2017, has the support of the University of Porto, Polytechnic of Porto, Catholic University of Porto and Portucalense University and municipalities from the Porto metropolitan area where the program of activities will take place (Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia, Maia, Matosinhos and Póvoa de Varzim).

Volvo and Auto Sueco Automóveis are the official brands of the event, providing some official vehicles for this purpose. For more information, they can be consulted on the website dedicated to the Young Capital Road Safety initiative.


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