Ferrari patents new technology for power steering


In the search for extreme efficiency and driving sensations, Ferrari decided to study in depth the steering components in its models and reached interesting conclusions with benefits that only precise and efficient steering is capable of transmitting, with the registration of a new patent on the Automobile world.

The new steering system patented by Ferrari, basically has the mission to cancel the play and dead spots of the steering, which translate into a vague and inaccurate response, until reaching a certain turning angle on the steering wheel.

In the new system, all steering column elements are of the mechanical type, but with a specific software adjustment in the steering gear, which software will be responsible for providing the necessary adjustment parameters, so that the inconsistencies of variation in the direction when applying left-to-right turn angles and vice versa.


According to Ferrari, the new software is able to calculate the turning angle and force applied to the steering wheel, thus applying the necessary corrections with electrical assistance, in an attempt to correct the steering error or neutral.

In practice, when we turn the steering wheel, this transmitted “input” is not instantly supplied to the wheels, with the desired angle and given the delay that exists between the communication of the various mechanical components, therefore it gives rise to a vague response, but that the new software you can cancel it, through the anticipation calculated by the electronic module in the steering box.

Ferrari says that with this technological innovation, the steering assumes a much more linear and consistent behavior, without harming the "feeling" of the old mechanical hydraulic systems, a solution that does not add any weight to the current electrically assisted steering system, which is actually provided by TRW Automotive.


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