Matthias Müller is the new Volkswagen CEO


With the majority of votes from the VW Group's Supervisory Board, Matthias Müller – until now Porsche CEO – was chosen to succeed Martin Winterkorn in the leadership of the Volkswagen Group.

The decision was taken today by the Volkswagen Group Supervisory Board and should be officially announced this afternoon. Matthias Müller, German, 62 years old and with a long career linked to the brand, comes to the top of Volkswagen with a Herculean mission ahead: to overcome the Dieselgate scandal and plan the manufacturer's future.

A nomination taken for granted as soon as the Dieselgate broke. We recall that the name of Matthias Mueller united the consensus of the Porsche-Piech family, the majority shareholder in the group, and of the leader of the Volkswagen union, Bernd Osterloh, as representative of the will of the workers on the board.

His appointment will be made official next Friday, at a board meeting, from which other news should come out. In particular, a profound reorganization of the entire Volkswagen Group structure.

Source: Reuters

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