Bloodhound SSC: Supersonic Car Anatomy


If you've ever wondered what the anatomy of a supersonic car will be like, today we bring you the answer to that question. A magnificent video of the Bloodhound SSC anatomy.

Unlike the previous car, with which Andy Green broke the land speed record the Thrust SSC and which was powered by two jet engines, its successor, the Bloodhound SSC, completely revolutionizes the concept, as it will debut for the 1st time. the concept of Rocket Hybrid.

The Bloodhound SSC impresses us with its V8 Cosworth engine, coming directly from F1 and capable of 18,000rpm, which does not serve to move the Bloodhound SSC, but rather acts as a generator, to run the oxidation pump, in everything similar to a centrifugal type volumetric compressor.


As we mentioned before, the Bloodhound SSC is a Rocket Hybrid, that is, its deposit of 963kg of hydrogen peroxide is pumped at high pressure by the oxidation pump, powered by the V8 engine, transmitting the flow to the rocket's catalytic diffuser, transforming this energy then on its propulsion.

The Bloodhound SSC will be able to reach speeds in the order of 1600km/h. A project without a doubt supersonic and that reflects the ambition of the British Air Force pilot, Andy Green.

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