1 in 6 Portuguese conductors does not respect the "stop" signal


The conclusions are from the Portuguese Highway Prevention (PRP) and reveal that a large number of Portuguese drivers do not respect the mandatory stop sign.

In the case of approaching a "stop" sign where vehicles are not visible on the road, the study carried out by the PRP revealed that only 15% of the 1181 drivers complied with the highway code, while the remaining drivers only slowed down as if were in the presence of a sign giving way.

In situations where they encountered vehicles on the lane they intended to enter, of the 672 vehicles observed, around 120 drivers did not give way and forced their way onto the lane, forcing priority vehicles to change gear, reduce speed or even stop.

For José Miguel Trigoso, president of the PRP, these are “very serious” behaviors that show that the Portuguese “disrespect one of the most important signs of the highway code”, and therefore it is necessary to “re-educate drivers in order to avoid serious accidents that may be caused by this infraction”.

According to data from the PSP, in 2015 3141 drivers were fined for violating the mandatory stop.

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