Car + Valentine's Day… What to do?


The most romantic day of the year is coming and Ledger Car, together with the Most Superior, tells you what you can do with your car and your better half… Do you already know what it is?

It's the second time I'm writing to you and again it's up to me the arduous task of proposing ideas that relate cars to the two dates when consumerism invades us most: Christmas and Valentine's Day. It is true that the latter does not lead to the madness of the queues at the doors of the large stores that advertise huge discounts, but we can easily identify that this day is approaching. There are windows decorated with hearts and reddish tones, lingerie stores full of red underwear and bras that can make the most distracted person think that a certain club will have won the championship… But what can your car provide your better half? simple than everything else and that for that you only need to spend some fuel? Going to the gas pump is expensive these days, but come on, your better half deserves it: take her on a romantic walk! Take your car or your car at home and leave for a different day.

prepare the car

Make sure you have the car clean inside and out. Clean the interior first and then the exterior. You don't want to surprise someone with your tissues, empty cookie packets and juice cans, so be sure to clean and don't perfume the interior of your car, or use an air freshener that makes you nauseated right at the first corner. Check the tire pressure, oil level, window washer fluid and water level. A romantic trip in a reflective vest on the side of the road looking at the car and waiting for the trailer is not very pleasant, although memorable!

Be original without spending a lot of money

Prepare lunch for that day and take it with you. It's cheaper than eating out and you can use the money you'll save on lunch for other things. If cooking is not your thing, ask someone you know for help or look on the web: there are enough videos and images to become a chef!

Plan your destination in advance

Better than anyone else, you know your city and its strengths. Try to make an itinerary that doesn't force you to travel many kilometers, otherwise, you'll increase the costs and fatigue of this little adventure for two, above all try not to complicate matters. If you live in Porto or Lisbon, I have two suggestions that you should already know well:

Do you live in Lisbon?

Leave Lisbon, point your car to the IC19 and accelerate towards Sintra. This Portuguese town, whose Cultural Landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has so much to see and do that it's a good idea to leave home early. After strolling in the historic area, leave the village towards Cabo da Roca and enjoy, within limits, the challenging road ahead. Back in Lisbon, head towards Cascais and the day ends at Praia do Guincho, you'll see that your car has never left you so happy and imbued with the spirit of love that hovers everywhere.

Do you live in Porto?

Go down the city towards the Douro river and “from the river to the mouth”, enjoy the breathtaking scenery that Invicta has to offer. Tip for the perfect setting: in the morning, head towards Gaia and stroll along the south bank of the river, the scenery is unmissable. This bank is the coldest, one of the reasons why we find the port wine cellars there. After lunch, put a good song on your car radio and go the other way around to Foz.

Fact that: 90% of readers will think this article is aimed at men, but it actually applies to both, because women also enjoy driving. Deciding who takes the car is between you, in this discussion you don't catch me anymore! Be happy and have good curves!

Text: Diogo Teixeira

*Article published in the February edition of Mais Superior Magazine

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