Audi wants to differentiate its models more


All different, all the same. It seems that this was the premise of Audi when they set out to define the design of their latest models. Far from being a criticism of the results achieved, because in fact the cars are well done aesthetically, the problem raised by the critics is that they all look too similar to each other. Fact that had already been in the news here in your RazãoAutomóvel in this article.

Audi wants to differentiate its models more 30073_1

But it looks like this will be a problem with the numbered days. Stefan Sielaff, design director for the four-ring brand, announced that the next Audi models will have different stylistic languages ​​depending on the body concept (saloon/van, SUV's and coupés). The stylistic differentiation program dubbed AQR will establish specific styling attributes for each type of bodywork, and that only those bodies in particular will be used.

For example, the format of the front grille to be used in the models of the A family may be substantially different from that used in the models of the Q family. in the differentiation of the models (sorry for the paronomasia).

It's even a case of saying: It's wait and see!

Text: Guilherme Ferreira da Costa

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