Rally de Portugal: GNR calls for good public behavior


The security of Rally de Portugal involves the mobilization of 1,900 GNR elements, who will ensure the correct positioning of the public in the 33 areas marked in green.

The control of the public in the Rally de Portugal in this return to the North, has been one of the main concerns of the ACP and GNR. Thus, the GNR will adopt “zero tolerance” for any incorrect behavior on the part of spectators in the Rally de Portugal, and recalls that all areas that are not marked in green are prohibited places.

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The so-called 33 “green zones” that the organization created along the route, some with more than a kilometer in length facing the section, are the only ones intended for the public, with all other places being prohibited.

The 'green zones', according to the rally promoters, are the ideal ones to watch the race and the most spectacular ones, and those interested should, in due time, move to them, leaving their vehicles in the parks properly. ticked. The success of Rally de Portugal also depends on us!


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Featured Image: André Viera

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