Car reason: a trip through the year 2013


They have been especially important for years and 2013 was a particularly important year for Razão Automóvel. We grew, we innovated and in agreement with our readers: we improved in every way. Looking back we can say: mission accomplished.

In 2013 our visit counter hit the thousands daily and on the «this side of the monitor» the team grew to keep up with the growing demand of our readers. We didn't stop. We traveled around Europe, tested some of the best cars of the year, changed the face of our platform, raced with you and… we innovated! Thanks to your comments and suggestions, we have been changing Ledger Automobile for the better.

One of our biggest innovations was the appreciation of communities.

Today, Razão Automóvel is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the strongest names in the automotive sector on social media. With a weekly reach of more than 100,000 people, we are at the forefront of publications with more than 10 years of existence. We institutionalized «Car Spotting» in Portugal and we actively collaborate with some of the best spotters in the country.

With a 365-days-a-year, 7-days-a-week, 24-hour-a-day publishing cadence; we made an exhaustive coverage of the automobile news in Portugal and in the world. But because quantity is not quality, in 2014 you can expect an increase in the items they like the most: Machines of the Past, Autopédia, Chronicles, Tests, among others.

We can't wait to reveal to you everything we have prepared for 2014. We hope you enjoyed your trip. Are we still together this year?

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