MECHANICAL Lounge: AB Lubs establishes partnership with Cepsa


At the 5th edition of Salão MECÂNICA, the company AB Lubs, of the Alves Bandeira group, presented its agreement with the petrol company Cepsa for the sale of Texaco lubricants. Razão Automóvel accompanied the event and explained to you the reason for this partnership.

With a solid presence in the business sector and a portfolio of customers focused on industry, the Alves Bandeira group decided to focus more on the light vehicle sector, always with the objective of creating the most competitive conditions in the market. According to José António Monjardino, executive director of the group, “the introduction of the Texaco brand in our offer reinforces the credibility and quality of the solutions we propose to our customers”.

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Therefore, in partnership with Cepsa, the group's strong bet is on Premium lubricants Havoline and Ursa, by Texaco. However, the Alves Ribeiro group is not only focused on selling products, but on creating a concept of its own lubrication solutions, in a market where the Texaco brand has not yet established itself, unlike what happens in other countries.

“A value proposition”, that's how this partnership was dubbed by Cepsa's representative in Portugal, the Spaniard Gerardo Socorro Lorenzo, who thus joined a multinational company to a family group. “We are certain that the commitment and professionalism that AB Lubs will put into the import and distribution of Texaco lubricants in Portugal will be the best guarantee of success,” he says.

The MECÂNICA Hall took place between November 12th and 15th, with free entry for all professionals in the field.

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