Mercedes-Benz «Aesthetics A»: creases have their days numbered


Aesthetics A is the name of the sculpture that anticipates the new design language of the German brand.

Reconciling tradition with modernity: this was the challenge that the Mercedes-Benz designers set themselves, and the result is called Aesthetics A.

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Like the Aesthetics No. 1 or the Aesthetics S, launched in 2010 and 2012 (respectively), this design exercise serves to show the lines of the future Mercedes-Benz compact model range, but not only that. If there were any doubts, the Stuttgart brand will even move towards the production of a three-volume variant of the A-Class , aesthetically distinct from CLA. Mercedes-Benz justifies the decision with the high demand for this type of bodywork, particularly outside European markets.

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Sensual Purity: "The creases have their days numbered"

According to Mercedes-Benz, this new design philosophy – Sensual Purity – consists of reducing the vehicle to the essential, adopting more fluid surfaces.

“The overall shape of the car is what is left over when the creases and lines are reduced to the maximum. By combining ideal proportions with an alluring profile, we believe the next generation of the A-Class has the potential to usher in a new era of brand design.”

Gorden Wagener, Head of Design Department at Daimler AG

Mercedes-Benz «Aesthetics A»: creases have their days numbered 30452_2

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