Ledger Automobile in the Mais Superior magazine of December


Mais Superior and Razão Automóvel take the latest news from the automotive world to the country's universities every month. But not only…

As has been the custom for over 3 years, one of the pages of Mais Superior (MS) – a magazine that is distributed free of charge by national universities – has the subscription of Razão Automóvel.

See here the full edition of Mais Superior

This month, we leave SUVs aside to talk about the Volkswagen Beetle Dune, inspired by the famous Beetle. In addition, we highlight the new “Gigafactory” by Tesla, which will be able to open doors on European soil, and also the renewed SEAT León.

This month's theme: video game princesses

Finding a girl who likes video games is a complicated task. Or is it not? There are more and more women playing, and they even participate in professional tournaments. In the month of Lisbon Games Week, Mais Superior went looking for some of the best Portuguese players and spoke with the experts to find out everything about the new gamer girls.

In November's Mais Superior you can also discover the benefits and dangers of using virtual reality headsets, an interview with João Vieira about the new album of his electronic project White Haus, reports on a new teaching concept – The New Digital School – and about a new concept of study – Polo Zero, and even the secrets of Susana Torres that made Éder's goal in the final of EURO 2016 possible.

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