From dream to nightmare: millionaire accident with a Mercedes SL 300


Heads up! This image should not be seen by people with heart problems, otherwise, there will be a strong possibility of waking up in a hospital bed... and if they wake up, it won't be bad at all.

This sacrilege happened in Germany, when a 26-year-old mechanic and his 19-year-old assistant went to test drive a Mercedes SL 300 on a road near the town of Pleidelsheima. Apparently, this mythical SL was just hours away from returning to its owner, but it would still be necessary to check if everything was ok for delivery.

What is certain is that the test drive did not go as planned and ended up with the Mercedes and the two mechanics needing the help of a trailer to return to the workshop. According to the police report, the cause of the accident lies in the “right pedal”, if you know what we mean… Caused like this, damage estimated at 650,000 euros!

And the old maxim “It doesn't matter, the insurance pays”, here should not prevail, even because the owner of this SL 300 does not accept the payment of the insurance and wants to hold the author of this “car crime” responsible in some way. Not to be mean, but it seems to me that someone is going to spend the rest of his life fixing cars just to pay for this damage...

Text: Tiago Luis

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