Matchedje: the first Mozambican vehicle brand | Car Ledger


Matchedje Motor launched yesterday in Maputo the first models coming off its assembly line. Between motorcycles, buses and a pick-up, Matchedje Motor's life in the Mozambican market began.

It was at the Matchedje Motor factory, located in the city of Matola, Maputo province, that the presentation of its first vehicles took place. Matchedje Motor, a company with Mozambican and Chinese capital, already plans for 2017-2020 the production of 500 thousand vehicles and accessories. Matchedje is the name of a locality in the province of Niassa, located in the north of Mozambique.

This project, from which Matchedje Motor was born, is the result of cooperation between the Mozambican government and the Chinese government. Over the next 2 years, Matchedje forecasts a production capacity of 100,000 vehicles per year.


In statements, the director of marketing and sales Carlo Nizia, announced that the first 100 pick-ups will be placed on the market at a price lower than the list: 15 thousand euros, when the original price would be 19 thousand euros. This pick-up has a twin model, the Foday Lion F16, by Foday Auto.

The model, with all-wheel drive and double cabin, will be available in two engines: a 2.8 liter diesel engine to which a 5-speed gearbox is coupled and a 2.2 liter 4-cylinder petrol engine (probably the original GW491QE block). Toyota) also with 5 speeds.

According to Matchedje Motor, the engine used in these diesel units is the 4JB1T, an ISUZU engine that is common on the Chinese market, in models such as the CHTC T1 pick-up. Matchedje Motor announces consumption of 5 l/100 km for the pick-up equipped with this engine.

Matchedje Pick Up 3

The launch of the first Mozambican car coincides with the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces for the Defense of Mozambique (FADM). It is tomorrow, the 25th of September, that sales of the first units begin, the same day that, in 1964, Frelimo (Front for the Liberation of Mozambique) declared the beginning of the struggle for independence.

Matchedje Pick Up

According to Carlos Niza's statements: “Matchedje Motor will also establish a Training Plan in Mechanics, Chemistry, Electronic Industry and Automotive Industry for Mozambican staff. This phase will bring a profound change in life for the Mozambican people, as, once completed, the annual production is expected to be around US$150 billion.”

Matchedje Pick Up 2

Source: Matchedje Motor and Jornal Domingo.

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