Formula 1: the moments before the race


Rituals, nerves and tension. Three condiments that spice up the moments that precede each Formula 1 race.

This weekend begins the Formula 1 World Championship, the premier category in motorsport: maximum demonstration of human technical capacity applied to a four-wheeled vehicle.

But let's leave aside machines, technique and performance. The video we bring you today is about the human side of motorsport, namely when this side manifests itself with greater intensity: in the moments before the race. It's the nerves, the tension, the anxiety, the anticipation.

It is at this point that the strongest emotions are revealed, in a peak that only ends when the race is over. At this point, the nerves, tension and anxiety give way to other feelings, depending on the result obtained.

Stay with these moments of rare beauty, before the marriage between man and machine on the track. When man becomes more machine, merging with car, and car more human, merging with man.

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