Paying tolls on these highways is cheaper as of today


Aimed at Class 1 vehicles, the 50% discount on toll rates on inland highways (ex-SCUT) takes effect today (July 1st). Available on some sections of the A4, A17, A22, A23, A24, A25, A29, A41 and A42 motorways, this discount is applicable on every transaction.

This measure was included in the State Budget for 2021 (OE2021) and covers the motorway sections and sub-stretches referred to in Annex I of Decree-Law No. 67-A/2010 and also those provided for in Decree-Law No. 111/ 2011.

In addition to this discount, the Government will also institute a new regime for modulating the value of toll rates for vehicles of classes 2, 3 and 4 that carry passengers or goods by road on these same highways.

SCUT highway
This discount is for some sections and sub-sections of the former SCUT.

What about electric cars?

This year's State Budget also included “a 75% discount on the toll fee applicable to each transaction, for electric and non-polluting vehicles”. However, this will no longer come into force due to “technical issues”.

According to the Government, "the implementation of the discount scheme foreseen for electric and non-polluting vehicles will imply the adoption of a significant set of technical operational measures". However, the implementation of these measures implies, according to the executive, that these discounts do not come into force anymore.

Even so, in the same statement, the Government promises to apply this discount once these "problems" are overcome, stating that the "regulation will be implemented in due course through an ordinance".

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