SCUTS: Tolls in the center of the country and Algarve as of December 8th


SCUTS: Tolls in the center of the country and Algarve as of December 8th 2404_1
Well, it's true, the SCUT concessions in the North Interior (A24), Beira Interior (A23), Beira Litoral/Alta (A25) and Algarve (A22) will be paid from the 8th of December this year, according to the decree-law published this Monday in the Diário da República.

In this same decree-law, one can see the creation of "a regime of positive discrimination for local populations and companies, particularly in the most disadvantaged regions, which benefit from a mixed system of exemptions and discounts on toll rates" .

That is, the natural and legal persons who have residence or headquarters in the area of ​​influence of these highways "stay exempt from payment of toll fees in 10 first monthly transactions on the respective highway”.

But that's not all, after 10 passes , these beneficiaries have “a 15% discount in the amount of the toll fee applicable to each transaction”.

Users who can benefit from this discount have to prove periodically to your home address/company headquarters , presenting the title of ownership registration, the registration certificate or a document from the lessor that identifies the name and address of the lessee's residence or registered office.

Now the bad news, for these users, the exemptions and discounts regime will only be in effect until June 30, 2012. As of July 1, 2012, only highways serving regions with a gross domestic product (GDP) ) regional per capita less than 80% of the national average will continue to have this regime of exemptions and discounts.

SCUTS: Tolls in the center of the country and Algarve as of December 8th 2404_2

The maximum toll rates are based on the reference rate for class 1; 1.75, 2.25 and 2.5 euros. The billing system is “exclusively electronic”, so non-payment will cause you problems.

Let's believe it's for the best in the country…

Text: Tiago Luís

Source: Sic News

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