RUF CTR Yellow Bird: Now these are «driving skills»


After watching this video, they will never say they know how to drive again… For the more senior car lovers, or for the younger ones who thrilled at the controls of the Gran Turismo game, the RUF CTR Yellow Bird is not a strange name. Anyone who knows him knows that the Yellow Bird is «just» one of the most feared cars of the 80's.

The 469hp of power generated by six boxer cylinders of 3200 cm3 biturbo, originating from the 911 and prepared by the German house RUF, were delivered without pity or pity to the rear wheels.

Concepts such as linearity and availability at low and medium regimes were concepts that did not apply to Yellow Bird. Power was delivered massively and all at once: either the engine delivered as much power as a Golf of the time, now it accelerated as if there was no tomorrow, all that was needed was the turbos kicking in.

Electronic aids? Forget it. The only traction control available in the 1980s was your right foot sensitivity. Anyone who entered the Yellow Bird knew they were at their own risk. And to the 469 hp of power add a whimsical chassis…

Characteristics that added together ensured the CTR a prominent presence in the list of the most virile models of the 80's. That's why when I saw this movie I held my breath. At the wheel we find Paul Frère, the late Road & Track driver and journalist. Now these are «driving skills»… impressive!

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