Cold Start. These Tesla are mile hogs.


Theoretically, the reliability of electric cars is superior, as they use a much smaller number of moving parts when compared to internal combustion models, they may have some advantage at that level.

However, there are still those who think that even good for accumulating kilometers is a Mercedes-Benz 190D, a Peugeot 504 or even a Volvo P1800. It's not that we disagree with the recognized resistance of these mythical models, but we think it's time to let some Tesla models into this restricted group of resistant ones.

Proving the Tesla's resistance there is a page on Twitter, called “Tesla High Mileage Leaderboader“, where the owners of the American brand's models are posting the distances already covered with their models. And look, there are values ​​there that would put many internal combustion models to shame.

The highest value belongs to a Tesla Model S 90D, already mentioned by us, with 703 124 km traveled (in the highlighted image, at the time it had “only” 643 000 km). In third place comes a Roadster with 600 000 km covered and the Model X with more kilometers is a 90D that appears in fourth in the list with 563 940 km.

About the “Cold Start”. From Monday to Friday at Razão Automóvel, there is a “Cold Start” at 8:30 am. While you drink your coffee or gather the courage to start the day, keep up to date with interesting facts, historical facts and relevant videos from the automotive world. All in less than 200 words.

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