Spain tests system to catch those who brake before the radar


Focused on combating speeding, the Spanish Traffic General Directorate is testing, according to Spanish radio Cadena SER, the system of “cascade radars”.

This is aimed at detecting drivers who reduce speed when approaching a fixed radar and, shortly after passing it, accelerate again (a common practice here too).

Tested in the region of Navarra, if the results achieved by the system of “cascade radars” are positive, the Spanish Traffic Directorate is considering applying it on other Spanish roads.

How does this system work?

According to statements made by Mikel Santamaría, spokesman for the Policía Foral (the police of the autonomous community of Navarre) to Cadena SER: “this system consists of installing radars monitored within a space of one, two or three kilometers, so that those who accelerate after passing the first radar to be caught by the second radar”.

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Another way in which cascading “radars” works is to place a mobile radar a little after a fixed radar. This allows authorities to fine drivers who brake suddenly when approaching a fixed radar and then accelerate as they move away from it.

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