Which is the fastest? Jimny challenges G 63 with a… Jimny hitched


Comparisons between the small are everywhere. Suzuki Jimmy and the not so small Mercedes-AMG G 63 . Something absurd, but why not? They are two specimens that inhabit the extremes of the off-road universe — it's true that there are G more suitable for this task than the G 63 — and you can perform exercises that are as irrelevant and entertaining as this drag race that Top Gear did.

Under normal conditions, there is no comparison, a Suzuki Jimny has no chance against a Mercedes-AMG G 63 in a start-up event. The 102 hp of the Jimny's 1.5 is nothing against the 585 hp of the 4.0 V8 twin turbo of the G 63, despite weighing more than twice the Jimny (2560 kg vs 1165 kg).

But what if… we balance the scales more towards Jimny?

For this, nothing better than adding ballast to the G 63. How? “Forcing” the G 63 to do the starting test against a Jimny, carrying another… Jimny, tied to a trailer — the Jimny's chances must improve, no?

In other words, the G 63's powerful twin turbo V8 will have to pull well over an additional 1200 kg (the Jimny's weight plus the trailer). Result: the weight in running order of the G should thus be much closer to 4000 kg…

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Will it be enough to give placid Jimny an advantage in this start-up event? There's only one way to find out… press Play!

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