Citroën XM Multimedia (1998). The car that 20 years ago had (almost) everything


The more time passes, the more my admiration for the Citron XM . A model that represented, in the 90s, all the values ​​that we have always associated with the French brand: comfort, sophistication and technology.

The Citroën XM was all that. And in 1998 the French brand introduced and marketed the ultimate interpretation of that spirit: the Citroën XM Multimedia. An "office on wheels" 20 years ahead of time.

Internet and browsing? Of course yes

Do you still remember what the Internet was like in 1998? I remember. It was almost black magic. At the C+S I attended, there was only one computer with internet. To access the internet, they had to dial the computer two days in advance. Then it was just a matter of waiting and, normally, when the last day arrived… the connection didn't work.

Citroen XM Multimedia

It was then time to call the computer technician at the school, to try to solve the problems of that computer whose screen was covered with giant cards depicting the community funds that had placed it there.

It was in this context that the French brand introduced the Citroën XM Multimedia. A luxury executive designed for entrepreneurs who believe in the maxim “time is money”.

The Citroën XM Multimedia already had a GPS system, supplied by Magneti Marelli, with a touch screen and voice commands. It was called “Route Planner” and we can look at it as the ancestor of modern navigation systems.

Citroen XM Multimedia
Ahh, so this is where the “fashion” of installing screens on dashboards came about.

Already in the back, we found the "jewel in the crown". An integrated computer, with internet access, television and telephone line. The system was operated through an LCD monitor with the aid of a wireless keyboard. The LCD monitor, despite being in 1998, could already be operated in a tactile way.

With aspirations to become the choice of executives, personalities and senior positions, Citroën XM Multimedia had to offer an engine to match the mission. That's why Citroën went after the famous 3.0 V6 engine manufactured by PSA together with Renault and Volvo, the PRV.

Thanks to this engine, the Citroën XM Multimedia announced 194 hp at 5500 rpm. The box, of course, could only be automatic.

Citroen XM Multimedia

Citroen XM Multimedia. so important that it disappeared

In 1998 the Citroën XM Multimedia was a true technological showcase. Despite everything — or maybe even because of that — Citroën only produced 50 units of its rolling luxury lab and they were all red like the ones illustrated in this article.

Citroen XM Multimedia
The most comfortable office in the world? Perhaps. But one of the fastest was for sure.

It is not clear what the final destination of the 50 units of the Citroën XM Multimedia was. The vast majority were used by brands as vehicles in the press park (for journalists to test) and for demonstrations to customers.

After that period, the French brand decided to withdraw from Citroën XM Multimedia everything that made it “Multimedia”. Computers were removed, GPS as well, and XM Multimedia were sold as “normal” XM.

Citroen XM Multimedia

Reportedly, there were customers who asked to keep the logos — a request that some dealers agreed to — and also to keep the trays that served the rear seats.

Today, we can see why Citroën wanted to withdraw XM Multimedia from the market. He didn't want to risk his technology falling into the hands of the competition. As we can see. With two decades ahead, Citroën anticipated today's big trend: the connected car.

Source: Citronoticias.

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