European car market. First 3 months with positive balance


Car passenger registrations grew 87.3% in Europe in March 2021. However, it should be noted that these numbers result from a low basis for comparison – caused by restrictions introduced in most European markets in March 2020.

These are data presented by ACEA, which considers, when analyzing these numbers, that it is not surprising that of the four main European car markets, three have registered triple-digit gains:

  • Italy : +497.2%
  • France : +191.7%
  • Spain : +128.0%
  • Germany : +35.9%

In Portugal, passenger car registrations increased by 19.8% – still far from European numbers. In March 2020, 10 596 units were registered; a year later, the number was 12,699.


During the period of the first quarter, the demand for new cars grew by 3.2%, reaching around 2.6 million units registered in total.

Although January and February registered significant declines in vehicle registrations in the old continent (-24.0% and -19.3%, respectively), the results for the month of March offset the losses and put Europe out of the negative trend.

Considering the main markets, here are their performances:

  • Italy : +28.7%
  • France : +21.1%
  • Spain : -14.9%
  • Germany : -6.4%

In Portugal, the market contracted 31.5% (far above the European average) during the first three months of the year.

Peugeot 3008 Hybrid4
Peugeot rises to second place among the best-selling brands, in exchange for Renault.

Values ​​by brand

This is the table with the values ​​of passenger cars for the ten most registered car brands in the European Union during the month of March. Accumulated values ​​also available:

Highlight for the three brands of the newly created Stellantis group ( Peugeot, Fiat and citron ), with exponential increases during the month of March (above 100%).

THE Toyota is another of the brands that registered considerable growth in March (81.7%).

Consult Fleet Magazine for more articles on the automotive market.

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