Nissan Ariya. Everything new, even the colors


After we have already known the Nissan Ariya a few months ago, the Japanese brand decided to unveil the color palette of its new 100% electric SUV. Described as “premium and futuristic colors”, these were, according to Nissan, inspired by Ariya's technology.

In total, the Japanese SUV will feature ten new exterior colors. Four of the options are monochromatic and six are two-tone, with two of them — the “Akatsuki Copper” and “Aurora Green” — were developed especially for the Ariya.

The color “Akatsuki Copper” was inspired by the Japanese expression “akatsuki” which means “dawn” and imitates the glow of the sunrise. The “Aurora Green” was inspired by the aurora borealis, which may appear green or purple, depending on the angle from which it is observed.

Nissan Ariya paint

pearl black

Technology at the service of painting and ecology

As the Nissan Ariya is a 100% electric model, it is not surprising that in the creation (and application) of the paintwork, special attention was paid to the theme of sustainability, adopting new production techniques.

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By introducing a water base, Nissan could apply colors at a lower temperature and, more importantly, could paint different parts of the Ariya at the same time.

All of this has not only simplified the Ariya's body painting process, but by doing so it has enabled a 25% reduction in the carbon dioxide production associated with this process.

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