Mercedes-AMG One for what? This OPUS Black Series GT has 1126 hp


With 730 hp and 800 Nm extracted from a 4.0 V8 biturbo (M178 LS2), hardly anyone can say that the power is lacking. Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series.

However, stating that it does not lack power does not mean that there are still people who consider it insufficient. Aware of this, the German tuning company OPUS Automotive GmbH went to work and created the car we are talking about today.

In total, OPUS created not one, not two or three, but four stages of additional power for the German sports car. The first (Stage 1) and simpler, as it is just a software reprogramming, increases the power to 837 hp.

Mercedes-AMG GT Opus
The “proof of nine”.

The other two, on the other hand, make the values ​​debited by the M178 LS2 rise to the territory of hypercars and for that they required more changes than a “simple” set of lines of code.

What has changed?

On the following levels, the Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series will guarantee 933 hp, 1015 hp and, “the jewel in the crown”, 1127 hp. To give you an idea, these 1127 hp are superior to those offered by a Veyron or even the Mercedes-AMG One!

In these cases, the Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series gets modified turbos, forged pistons, a new fuel system and saw the seven-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission reinforced.

At the same time, OPUS offered it an exclusive exhaust system and forsook the particulate filter. The result? The power went up, but so did the emissions, and that's why these GT Black Series can no longer circulate on European public roads and are limited only to circuits.

Mercedes-AMG GT Opus

In addition, the models prepared by OPUS also have new wheels, lighter, and improvements in the field of aerodynamics. Traction remains only to the rear wheels, despite the considerable increase in power, but OPUS also thought about that.

To help the rear wheels handle all the extra power, OPUS will electronically limit torque to the “indispensable minimum”. Furthermore, the German preparer claims that power is delivered linearly as if it were an atmospheric engine.

Designated "Binary Editions", the two most powerful variants of the Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series are expected to go on sale in June. The two less powerful versions arrive in mid-April. For now, prices remain unknown.

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