The Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series is already priced... for Germany


Unveiled a week ago, the Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series is now available for order in its “homeland”, Germany.

Equipped with a 4.0 twin-turbo V8 (M178 LS2), the GT Black Series has some impressive 730 hp between 6700 and 6900 rpm and 800 Nm available between 2000 and 6000 rpm.

With these numbers, it is not surprising that the acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h is done in a mere 3.2s, that 200 km/h arrives in less than nine seconds and that the maximum speed is fixed at 325 km/h.

Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series

How much does it cost?

As we told you, the new Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series is now available for order in Germany. As for the price, the most superlative AMG model is available in your home country from 335 240 euros.

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If you think this value is high, let us remind you that this does not include any extras, and if we add them the price goes up even more.

To give you an idea, the eye-catching orange paint with which the Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series is presented in these photos costs 8468 euros. The “Track Package”, which brings extras such as a titanium roll cage, four-point belts and a fire extinguisher, is available for 7540 euros.

Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series

Also among the options are extras such as the “Lane Package” which costs 904 euros and brings the blind spot and roadside maintenance assistant; the “Park Package”, which offers rear and front cameras for 1461 euros. The Burmester sound system costs €4814 and increasing the fuel tank capacity to 75 liters costs €92.80.

That said, and taking into account that taxes in Portugal (whether VAT or ISV) are considerably more penalizing than in Germany, curiosity is great to know how much the Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series will cost here.

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